If you’re asking yourself if you should get a commission advance and your bank account is low, then you probably need to get a commission advance. Advances can be used for business purposes such as expanding your marketing budget, promotional materials, car expenses, staging and other related real estate activity.
A commission advance is a cash advance solution that offers an immediate payment via wire before closing on your earned commission for a fee. For example, an advance for $5,000 closing within 30 days costs $400.
Real estate agent commission advances are different from a loan. A loan carries interest when you borrow money, and you have to qualify via a credit check and income verification.
What are the advantages of using Express Cash Flow for Real Estate Commission Advances:
Since 2015, Express Cash Flow has helped real estate agents and brokers balance their cash flow between closings. Express Cash Flow can pay you now on a pending transaction to help you grow your business.
- Low rates
- Experienced and trusted partner
- Advance up to 75% of your net commissions
- No credit checks
- Real-time processing
- Personalized Experience
- Multiple advances at one time
Real Estate Commission Advances for Agents and Brokers
Both agents and brokers can get commission advances. Express Cash Flow provides responsible, short-term commission advances (less than 60 days) to help Realtors with a successful track record.
If the transaction falls through the agent or broker must notify Express Cash Flow and must replace it with another pending transaction or make payments until the balance is paid in full.
Agents or brokers can have multiple commission advances out at one time if they have multiple pending transactions.
This type of service can go by various names:
- Realtor Commission Advances
- Factoring
- Real Estate Agent Advance
- Real Estate Broker Advance
- Commission Loans
Please visit Application page to get your commission before closing.